Our team

Nicolò Bagnasco

Founder and Director
Physics student at the University of Turin and science communicator, has followed several particle physics masterclasses with international collaborations such as NASA and CERN.

Stefano Falchi

Head of engineering 
Computer engineering student at the polytechnic of Turin, is specialising in embedded systems applications with Artificial Intelligence.

Cesare Blengini

Head of software development 
Computer engineering student at the polytechnic of Turin, specialising in Artificial Intelligence applications.

Pietro Mosca

PR and Head of Social Media 
Member of the mission design team, Pietro is also in charge of the social media presence of Valya Stratosphere. 

Special thanks

Mario Alloatti, Specialty and Pure Gases Sales and Product Manager at Nippon Gases
Teo Caggia, Chemistry student at the University of Turin and former Valya vice-director
Linda Raimondo, Physics student at the University of Turin and science communicator
Anass Hanafi D., Master Law student | Fellow at German Marshall Fund of the US | WEF Global Shaper | Founder Campus 4.0